Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The 'Addemup' Challenge

This might not be quite on topic but I feel that it is suitably fun and interesting to post about this amazing new game I came across today - 'Addemup'. Whilst it sounds like an educational game for kids to help them improve their maths skills, it is actually a surpisingly complex game, needing intelligence and trickery. I propose a challenge to you to beat the score of 9000 set by myself and Matt earlier today. Make sure you read the rules carefully because there is far more to it than you might imagine. Post your scores as a comment to this article. Let the games begin!

p.s. a cup of tea goes nicely
Posted by Hello

Who discovered tea?

I can't believe I'm English and don't know this. Who discovered this majestic drink? Who saw a tea leaf and said to themselves "if I pour boiling water on that and [maybe this was somebody else later] add milk to it, it will taste really nice!". Who was it? Whoever it was, I thank them heartily on behalf of the team.

Good day to you