Isn't Tea Great - Four Years On
For a start I'm living in Chester, which up until when the recession put them out of business (very tragic) had a Whittard shop right in the middle of it - though shamefully I never visited enough. I call Chester home now, and have a good collection of mugs in my kitchen (it's not mine really, I rent from a friend but hey) to drink from including my vintage 2003 Van Mildert (the Durham college attended by all members of the team) favourite and an Ashley Giles 'King of Spain' one bought from Warwickshire CCC online after the 2005 Ashes win. Others include my Durham Students Union one, one made to look like a Welsh dragon (from Cardiff), another England cricket one, a couple of Chester-bought/gifted mugs, one from Spain and latterly (this Easter) a Cadbury Creme Egg mug! Anyway, needless to say I continue to drink masses of tea and I love it so. I was on the normal stuff alone for ages, but returned to speciality teas recently and have just bought a box of Twinings Pure Peppermint, which is astonishingly good. I will be drinking much more of this in the near future.
Well, that'll do for now I think. What next for the team?