Wednesday, March 02, 2005

How strong?

Strength - a commonly debated issue, which if not correctly resolved can lead to such comments (usually by family when you have made the teas) as "eww, too milky" or "where's the milk, that's black?!" depending on the individual's preference. I have to say that for myself if I am making a standard English tea then I will go for a very strong cup, with a nice orangeness to it. Very similar to that featured in the inaugral post in this blog in fact (but slightly stronger). Nothing tastes like it, and I really don't like tea that is too milky - if I wanted that I'd drink a glass of milk!

As for flavoured teas not involving milk at all (what a great idea!), I prefer them to be strong so I don't just get the taste of water.....

So how strong do you like your tea?


At 7:59 am, Blogger Dave said...

Chris, you've made me tea a number of times and, whilst I am very grateful and enjoyed the cups I had, you do make them a little stronger than I personally would make them. That is fine, and on those occasions when I have drunk strong tea it has been very nice. However, I wonder if the reason why you insist on having sugar in your tea is because you make it so strong?! Perhaps try to make it a little weaker and see if you can stop yourself being addicted to sugar. Just a suggestion.


At 10:24 am, Blogger Layla said...

A little milk would be lovely. I happen to drink this Milk Tea thing from Singapore and it's so yummy. :)

At 6:34 pm, Blogger Chris said...

There is no relation between the strength of tea and me putting sugar in. When I have tea without sugar it is the same strength. I just like it strong. Nor am I "addicted" to sugar, it's just nice sometimes ;)

At 6:42 pm, Blogger roverinexile said...

Strong & milky to take the edge off. It's all about having hot enough water, and here in the US they are philistines, trying to use lukewarm water, or heaven forbid, providing a pot of lukewarm water without the tea bag even in it. Ewwww.

At 9:09 pm, Blogger Layla said...

thank you for commenting. :) it was a surprise.

forgotten to add that ginger tea helps a lot with colds. :D


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